How to Prepare Your Roof and Home for Storm Season in Nebraska

Nebraska’s storm season can turn from calm to chaotic in an instant. One moment, the sky is clear, and the next, heavy rain, powerful winds, and hail are pounding down, putting your home to the test. While every part of your house feels the impact, your roof takes the most damage. Strong winds can rip off shingles, hail can leave […]

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Snowguards: Why You Need Them

Living in Nebraska, we know the weather can be a bit… indecisive. One day it’s sunshine and the next, a blizzard rolls in. But when it snows, it’s not just about bundling up and digging out your car. Have you thought about your roof? A sudden pile of snow and ice tumbling off your roof can be dangerous for anyone […]

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The Water Damage You See is Probably Not the Roof  

The temperature shift from subzero to Spring-like temperatures in the span of a few days resulted in a quick melting of the snow that fell. Now that the snow has melted, you may see signs of water damage in your home. According to the Rooferees, it’s probably not the roof. The extreme weather we experienced has likely exposed other problems […]

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New Year = Time for New Projects

A new year brings an opportunity to look ahead and set new goals. If your goals include home improvement projects, the Rooferees are ready to help! You may not be thinking about exterior projects in the middle of Winter, but now is the perfect time to schedule your new roof, siding, or gutter project. Scheduling now will guarantee pricing before […]

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Happy New Year from the Rooferees!

The end of the year is the perfect time to set goals and plan projects for the coming year. It’s a clean slate and an opportunity to check things off your list. If your list includes home improvement projects, specifically new siding, gutters, or a roof, the Rooferees share some considerations for why you shouldn’t put it off any longer: […]

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Happy Holidays from the Rooferees!

Season’s Greetings from the Rooferees! The Rooferees are looking forward to celebrating the season with family. We are grateful for the dedication and loyalty of each member of the Rooferees team, and we thank each of you for your commitment to providing excellent service to our customers. We are grateful for the opportunities we had in 2024 to work with […]

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Holiday Light Safety

If your holiday decorating includes exterior lights, we have a few safety measures to keep in mind before you climb the ladder! Check the lights before you climb the ladder to ensure they work: Nothing is worse than going to the trouble of hanging lights only to discover they don’t work when you plug them in! Always use a safe […]

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Happy Thanksgiving from the Rooferees!

The Rooferees of Weatherguard extend each of you wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving. We are grateful for each of our clients! Whether it was new siding or gutters, roof repairs, or a new replacement roof, we appreciate your trust in us. Thank you for your business and your referrals. We are grateful for the opportunities we had to give back […]

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New DaVinci Roof at Field Club of Omaha

The Field Club of Omaha is celebrating its 125th anniversary. The club has undergone many changes since first opening their doors in 1898 and continues to entertain Omaha golfers and families. The Club, located near 36th and Woolworth Avenue in east Omaha, seems to have been a target for damaging storms in recent years. In fact, the roof of the […]

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Repair Your Storm Damage Before Winter

  It has been a busy summer of storm damage repair following several severe storms that hit the Omaha Metro area. The Rooferees have been busy installing new roofs and siding after damaging storms with hail and strong winds left their mark across the area. If your home or business sustained damage, now is the time to have repairs done […]

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