Sportsmanship and Integrity are the Name of the Game

By now you know that at Weatherguard, we value honesty, integrity, and respect above all else. We think this holds true in business and in sports, and good sportsmanship is more important than records and shots and goals and points.   Last week, John Higgins kicked off the Omaha Sports Association basketball season at a mandatory meeting for parents and […]

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John Spreads a Message of Good Sportsmanship

John Higgins was a guest on the Boomer Sit-In Show on 104.1 recently, sharing the importance of good sportsmanship. Sports have always been a big part of John’s life, so the message of good sportsmanship comes easy to him. As a professional referee, John has seen firsthand how sports can be enjoyable for everyone when athletes – and spectators – […]

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New Showroom at Weatherguard Inc!

We are excited to announce the opening of the new Weatherguard Showroom! We have expanded our office space to include an interactive showroom to help our clients choose the perfect roof. The showroom features several different materials and colors of the various roofing materials you can choose from for your home or building. They are conveniently located to allow you […]

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#OmahaNice in Sports and Business

Weatherguard Inc. is proud to be a sponsor for youth sports at the Union Bank and Trust Sports Complex in Elkhorn, NE. The facility is the home year-round for local basketball and volleyball teams and the site of many youth games and tournaments every week. Throughout the facility, on the courts, in the lobbies and above the elevator, you will […]

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Spring Storms – and Storm Chasers – are Back!

The recent storms are a reminder that storm season is here – and spring storms in the Midwest can be very damaging! Storms with heavy rain, strong winds and hail can cause significant damage to your home – the siding, gutters, decking, and roofs bear the brunt of the hail’s force. As you are assessing your home after a storm, […]

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Time to Clean the Whirley Birds from Your Gutters

If you have maple tree in or near your yard, you have probably noticed that the whirley birds, or helicopters, have started to fall. Their thin tails allow them to spin and spiral downward – and carry them a few yards away! Your yard, sidewalks, deck and patios may be blanketed with the seeds. As you are cleaning them, consider […]

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Ronald McDonald House Project Complete

We recently shared that Weatherguard Inc. was involved with The Hope and Healing Expansion project at the Omaha Ronald McDonald House. The expansion doubled the number of rooms from 20 to 40 in a 20,000 square foot addition. Weatherguard Inc. installed all new siding and gutters on the existing space and the new addition. The expansion will allow the Ronald […]

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What Homeowners Need to Know About Working with Insurance Adjusters

A freak hail storm leaves mini craters in your roof. An old tree topples during a storm and lands on your roof. Severe winds pull the tiles right off your roof. In each of these cases you’re going to be working with an insurance adjuster to gain funding to repair or replace your roof. For insurance adjusters, dealing with distressed […]

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