Holiday Light Safety

If your holiday decorating includes exterior lights, we have a few safety measures to keep in mind before you climb the ladder!

  • Check the lights before you climb the ladder to ensure they work: Nothing is worse than going to the trouble of hanging lights only to discover they don’t work when you plug them in!
  • Always use a safe ladder or scaffolding: Test your ladder to ensure it is sturdy, and tall enough for you to reach the location safely.
  • Safety is key: Do not climb on wet roofs or a roof with a steep pitch. Leave that to the professionals!
  • Secure the lights with insulated hooks: Never use nails, tacks, screws, or staples which can permanently damage roofing, gutters, or siding. Insulated hooks can also reduce fire risks due to frayed wires. Make sure the strand is tight against the house to withstand the wind.
  • Avoid 7-volt bulbs or higher: Larger bulbs can get too hot and overheat, potentially resulting in a fire
  • Clear gutters of dried leaves: If you are hanging lights on or near gutters, clear them of leaves.
    The most common cause of house fires is bulbs getting too close to dried-out leaves, particularly in gutters.
  • Use exterior usage lights only: Interior lights are not designed to withstand the weather

If your holiday lights have already been hung, we have a few safety precautions to keep in mind:

  • Turn off exterior lights when you leave the house or go to bed: Set a timer or unplug the cords.
  • Remove lights safely: Do not pull lights down by the wire, you should climb the ladder again to remove lights from the hooks to prevent damage to gutters or siding
  • Double check roof and gutters: Snow and ice may have accumulated since the lights were hung, so check for damage to shingles or gutters.
  • Safety first: Don’t climb on a wet roof or unsteady ladder to remove the lights.


Pay attention to your roof and gutter when hanging or removing lights. Note issues such as loose or broken shingles, or cracked or sagging gutters, and give the Rooferees at Weatherguard Inc. a call! We can repair roofing, siding, or gutters before they become a bigger problem!

Following these precautions can help you avoid a potential disaster and make your home the envy of the neighbors or the destination of holiday lights tours.

Happy Holidays from your friends at Weatherguard Inc.!