The Water Damage You See is Probably Not the Roof  

The temperature shift from subzero to Spring-like temperatures in the span of a few days resulted in a quick melting of the snow that fell. Now that the snow has melted, you may see signs of water damage in your home. According to the Rooferees, it’s probably not the roof. The extreme weather we experienced has likely exposed other problems […]

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Notice Water in Your Home? It’s Probably NOT Your Roof!

The Arctic freeze that covered the area last week has finally relented, and the snow is starting to melt. As the temperatures rise, so does the number of homeowners who are seeing water leaks in their homes. You may be worried that your roof is leaking – but the Rooferees say it’s probably not the roof. The extreme weather we […]

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Don’t Overlook Gutters

Autumn is a favorite time of year for many because the temperatures have cooled off and the colors of the trees are changing. But with the changing colors comes falling leaves, and falling leaves means raking and cleaning gutters! Leaves fall from the trees and many collect in your gutters. Even if you don’t have a tree in your yard, […]

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